Custom modes allows you to compose new modes with tools and prompts that fits your workflow. These are in addition to Agent and Ask mode which are built-in.

Beta feature. You can enable custom modes from SettingsFeaturesChatCustom modes

Creating a custom mode

To create a custom mode, you can open the mode menu and click Add custom mode. From there, you will have the option to select name, icon, shortcut as well as enabled tools and custom instructions.

We’re considering adding a .cursor/modes.json file to your project to make it easier to create and share custom modes.

Example modes


Encourages detailed explanations and frequent clarifying questions, without automatically applying edits or running tools.

ToolsCustom Instructions
All SearchFocus on explaining concepts thoroughly and ask clarifying questions before providing solutions


Focuses exclusively on enhancing existing code structure, without introducing new functionality or reading additional files.

ToolsCustom Instructions
Edit & ReapplyFocus solely on improving existing code structure without adding new functionality


Generates comprehensive implementation plans without directly modifying code, documenting the approach clearly in a file.

ToolsCustom Instructions
Codebase, Read file, TerminalCreate detailed implementation plans without making direct code changes. Write it to


Collects extensive information from various sources, including web searches and codebase exploration, before recommending solutions.

ToolsCustom Instructions
Codebase, Web, Read file, Search filesGather comprehensive information from multiple sources before suggesting solutions


Aggressively applies all available tools, making bold changes proactively with minimal user confirmation.

ToolsCustom Instructions
All tools with Auto-apply edits and Auto-run enabledTake initiative and make bold changes with minimal confirmation


Analyzes code quality and recent modifications thoroughly, utilizing git commands and other tools, without automatically resolving issues.

ToolsCustom Instructions
Codebase, Grep, Read file, TerminalAnalyze code quality and recent changes without automatically fixing issues


Conducts an in-depth investigation by gathering extensive context from source files and terminal outputs, then proposes precise, targeted fixes.

ToolsCustom Instructions
All Search, Terminal, Edit & ReapplyThoroughly investigate issues by gathering extensive context before proposing targeted fixes

Custom mode settings

Read more about tools

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