A high level overview of the keyboard shortcuts and keybindings in Cursor. You can see all keyboard shortcuts by pressing Cmd + R then Cmd + S.

To learn more about Keyboard Shortcuts in Cursor, check out the Key Bindings for VS Code as it serves as a good baseline for Cursor’s keybindings.

All of Cursor’s keybindings, including those for Cursor-specific features, can be remapped in the Keyboard Shortcuts settings page.

All Cmd keys can be replaced with Ctrl on Windows.


Cmd + IOpen Agent
Cmd + LOpen Ask
Cmd + .Toggle Chat Modes
Cmd + /Loop between AI models
Cmd + Shift + JOpen Cursor settings
Cmd + ,Open General settings
Cmd + Shift + POpen command palette

Chat - Agent, Edit & Ask

These shortcuts work while focused on the chat input box.

Cmd + BackspaceCancel generation
Cmd + L with code selectedAdd selected code as context
Cmd + Shift + L with code selectedAdd selected code as context
Cmd + EnterAccept all changes
Cmd + BackspaceReject all changes
TabCycle to next message
Shift + TabCycle to previous message
Cmd + Alt + /Open model toggle
Cmd + N / Cmd + RCreate new chat
Cmd + Shift + KOpen composer as bar
Cmd + [Open previous chat
Cmd + ]Open next chat
Cmd + WClose chat
EscUnfocus the field


Cmd + KOpen
Cmd + Shift + KToggle input focus
Cmd + BackspaceCancel
Option + EnterAsk quick question

Code Selection & Context

/Shortcut Commands
Cmd + Shift + LAdd selection to Chat
Cmd + Shift + KAdd selection to Edit
Cmd + LAdd selection to new chat
Cmd + MToggle file reading strategies
Cmd + →Accept next word of suggestion
Cmd + EnterSearch codebase in chat
Select code, Cmd + C, Cmd + VAdd copied reference code as context
Select code, Cmd + C, Cmd + Shift + VAdd copied code as text context


TabAccept suggestion
Cmd + →Accept next word


Cmd + KOpen terminal prompt bar
Cmd + EnterRun generated command
EscAccept command

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